Sunday, July 11, 2010


I say homecomings, because not only was it the day my baby brother was coming home, but my uncle was coming home after 6 mo in Afghanistan. Marc (my uncle) was coming in at 10 am and Jess (my bro) was scheduled to come in at 4, so Rickey and I decided that instead of wasting gas to come all the way home in between, we were gonna stay in SLC and visit some sights, we started out at the Church history museum when I get this text from my sister saying that Jess now wasn't coming in until 11pm, I was so upset. We had decided that we'd finish some our sight seeing and then go home and do whatever needs be and then come back, well while sight seeing, we got yet another text saying that his flight had changed again, this time to earlier, so we decided maybe we'd just stick it out and stay in Slc, but of course, the time kept changing and eventually we got the final time that his plane wasn't coming in until almost 1130.. What a long day!!! I am so glad though that they both are home and safe!!! pics to come soon